DUI Class for California Non-Resident Drinking Driver Requirements

California Online DUI Class for Out-of-State Residents Tom Wilson, MA, LCPC Did you get a DUI in California but live out of state? Chances are you had an Attorney represent you in court where you entered a plea and went to final sentencing. You were told to pay a fine and complete an Online 3 month AB541 DUI Class to meet California’s court requirements. However, there is one simple mistake made by out-of-state residents that has led to many California counties issuing a warrant for non-compliance. This mistake can dramatically increase the time it takes to resolve your case. At sentencing, all persons sentenced for a DUI in California are given a notice to report to the Drinking Driver Programs located in the California county. Failing to report to the program can result in a warrant for non-compliance, even if they sign up for classes ahead of time. The Drinking Driver Program provides offenders with a Proof of Enrollment Form that must be compl...