
Showing posts from June, 2013

How to Avoid the #1 Mistake Made by Out-of-State DUI Offenders in Riverside County, California

DUI in Riverside County but live in another state? Tom Wilson, MA, LCPC Did you get a DUI in Riverside County, California but live out of state?  Chances are you had an Attorney represent you in court where you entered a plea and went to final sentencing.  You were told to pay a fine and complete an Online 3 month AB541 DUI Class to meet California’s court requirements. However, there is one simple mistake made by out-of-state residents that has led to Riverside County issuing a warrant for non-compliance. This mistake can dramatically increase the time it takes to resolve your case. At sentencing, all persons sentenced for a DUI in Riverside County are given a notice to report to the Riverside County Drinking Driver Programs located in Indio and Riverside, California. Failing to report to the program can result in a warrant for non-compliance, even if they sign up for classes ahead of time. The Drinking Driver Program provides offenders with a Proof of Enrollmen...

Court Delays Caused by California Budget Cuts in DUI Hearings and Trials

Recent budget cuts in the California court system have resulted in closed courts, fewer staff and many delays in civil cases, but also in criminal cases such as DUI and drug arrest trials and hearings. An LA Times article states that the California courts have lost about 65% of their state support in the last 5 years and affects from those cuts are continuing to increase. These cuts are causing delays in hearings and trials, causing records to go unprocessed for many months, and reducing the number of services at public windows. What does this mean for those arrested for a DUI? One of the most damaging results of a DUI is the temporary loss of your driver’s license.   Normally, the California DMV will automatically suspend your driver’s license unless you request a DMV hearing within ten days of your arrest.   This delays suspension until the outcome of the hearing is determined.   If you win your hearing, no suspension occurs.   But, how will this aff...