
Showing posts from June, 2012

California DUI Arrests Declining but Courts Still Require DUI Classes

"California DUI Arrests are Declining," DMV Tells State Legislators In May, 2012 the California DMV presented it's annual report of the DUI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM to the California State Legislature. This report presents information on DUI arrests, convictions, court sanctions, administrative actions and alcohol-involved crashes from 2009 to 2010. In addition, the report examined repeat arrests by first and second DUI offenders over a period of twenty years. Here are some of the highlights of this report. *Note: DUI offenders with out of state zip codes were excluded from all studies. However, most out of state DUI offenders were required to attend an online version of the 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 18 month drinking driver DUI offender programs required by California statute.      HIGHLIGHTS OF YEAR 2012 CALIFORNIA DUI-MIS REPORT ♦ Alcohol-involved crash fatalities decreased by 15.1% in 2010, the biggest decline since ...

California DUI

When You Can’t Get a License Outside of California Because California Suspended Your License This article was Published at by CA Cajon, CA. Click here to read the original on HubPages "I get many calls from people who get DUI’s in California, and get their California driver’s license suspended, but then move out of California to another state. Then they find out that state won’t give them a license because of the California suspension. If you’re in this situation, read on to learn what you can do to get that other state to give you a license. Let’s say you were convicted of a first-time DUI in California and your license was suspended. In order to get rid of the suspension, the DMV requires you to complete a three month alcohol class. The CA DMV will not, ever, accept completion of an alcohol class from another state. The class must be taken in CA. It doesn't matter that the court will accept an out of state program to satisfy its term of probation...

DUI in California?

Drivers who got a DUI in California, but live out of state face a dilemma. How do they fulfill their obligation to the California court, and still be able to return to their home state. Fortunately,  Tom Wilson Counseling Center  has a solution. Clients seeking help have been referred by many California law firms whose clients we have helped, such as the Shouse Law Group  . Sometimes the defendant is directly given our name by the California Courts such as  Los Angeles Superior Court.  The first concern is complying with the California court requirements to complete a 3 month, 6 month, 9 month or 18 month DUI program. This become part of their court order. After working with most of the courts in California for several years, our California Online DUI Classes for Out of State Offenders have become the accepted  program to help resolve out of state offender court obligations. Every court requires proo...